Calhoun County - Birding
Texas Coastal Bend
Coastal Communities
Calhoun County, Texas - Birding
Noted Birding Sites in Calhoun County
Formosa Wetlands Walkway and Alcoa Birding Tower
Birds to look for: Rails, especially Clapper, Roseate Spoonbill, herons, night herons and egret species, Dowitcher, "peeps"
Bayous Along the Guadalupe River and Guadalupe Delta (WMA)
Birds to look for: Herons, egrets, ducks, Roseate Spoonbill, hawks in migration, Carolina Wren, warblers and spring migrants
Seadrift and Swan Point
Birds to look for: Dabbling ducks, geese, terns, Sandhill Crane, hawks along back road
Port O'Connor and Boggy Bayou
Birds to look for: Pelicans, waders, terns, migrant shorebirds, Lesser Golden-Plover and Pectoral Sandpiper in spring
Ferry Ride to Matagorda Island and Island Beaches
Birds to look for: Magnificent Frigatebird in summer, Black Skimmer, Reddish Egret, nesting plovers and Least Tern, Peregrine Falcon, migrating shorebirds and Whooping Cranes in fall
Indianola Beach, Powderhorn Lake Area and Magnolia Beach
Birds to look for: Black-necked Stilt, ibis species, Roseate Spoonbill, Reddish Egret, gull and tern species, watch especially for Least and Sanwich Terns, rails and snipe, wintering geese and Sandhill Crane, While-tailed Hawk
Old Causeway Fishing Pier (Point Comfort Side)
Birds to look for: Wintering grebes, Common Goldeneye, Common Loon, Bufflehead and Red-breasted Merganser
Olivia Area
Birds to look for: Rails (Clapper, Virginia and Sora) at roads end, wintering geese, Marsh, Sedge and Bewick's Wrens, wintering sparrows, migrant warblers, look along roadways for summer specialties such as Painted Bunting, Dickcissel and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher